My husband and I are in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund for my dad’s new anthology. (I wrote about the project here.) For a brief summary, my dad, who passed away last June, was a columnist for the Denver Post for 26 years, and I’ve been compiling his best columns from 1999 to 2012 into an anthology. It will be released on November 1, and right now we’re raising funds for publication, distribution, and marketing. Come on over and check out our Kickstarter if you’re interested!
The last three weeks have been a whirl of running a Kickstarter, sending out press releases, talking to the media, and setting up events. It’s been a wonderful learning experience, and I can’t wait to share more with you about the process when it’s all over. The best part, hands down, has been the lovely notes I’ve received with stories about my dad and how he impacted different people.
In addition to our Kickstarter project, I’ve been editing one article and writing another. It feels great to be busy. I am constantly in awe of how much I can get done in a day with my husband at home for the summer fielding more of the parenting duties.
Of course, I also take lots of gardening breaks. And just when I thought my garden couldn’t make me any happier, the sunflowers bloomed.
I’ll be here next week with a post about Eugene’s annual car-free festivity. Then I have big plans for August including a writing conference, a family camping trip, and a revamp of New Urban Habitat, so things will likely be quiet around here if I can resist popping in to share pictures of squash and tomatoes. (Red tomatoes in July! Seriously, this is the best gardening season ever.)
What’s growing in your garden or life this summer? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.