Last week, I realized I lost a lot of images in my blog conversion. It was an awful feeling to scan through my older posts and see years of pictures wiped out. I spent a night feeling pretty devastated.
But the next day, as I scrolled through old blog posts looking at the damage, I couldn’t help but look at the other things too, like all of these words I’ve worked so hard to write week after week, year after year. All these stories, memories, and ideas. How much my kids have changed. How much I’ve changed.
So often we don’t take these moments to pause and reflect on how we’ve evolved and where we’re going. We keep navigating forward, one foot in front of the other, without stepping back to reflect, analyze, brainstorm, and strategize.
That’s why I’ve decided to see The Case of the Missing Photos (Have I mentioned Ezra, now 6, is crazy about mystery novels right now?) as a message to do just that.
I’ll be taking my own little managing retreat to think about my business, my writing, and my short and long term goals. I’ll be pausing, relaxing, breathing, and planning.
Spring feels like the perfect time to think about the future and growth, with the sun shining and the flowers and trees just starting to come to life here.
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Have you taken time to pause, relax, breathe, and plan lately? Do you need to? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.