Outside, the leaves are turning yellow, orange, and red. This weekend we hibernated while the wind blew and rain hammered down. I’ve always loved this season – the beginning of classes, the stillness in the afternoons, the smell of the air, baked apples, crunchy leaves underfoot, wood smoke curling into the sky.
But lately fall also brings big changes to our little household. We transition from summer, where my husband is home full-time, into fall, where he is gone a lot, and it is never quite graceful for us. I have less time to write and more work to do around the house, which always surprises me even though I know it’s coming.
It’s ironic that this season, which is all about balance, with its equal days and nights, always feels a bit wobbly in our household. But perhaps that’s how it is for many of us, with many kids going back to school and starting activities.
Happy Birthday in advance!
feeling wobbly, what a perfect way to describe it. That’s what early Sept is like for me.
Have a wonderful birthday. I, too, know what it is like to have a husband gone during this time of year; always know it’s coming, and yet, I forget how awful it is until I’m in the thick of it. I think I made it halfway this year before having my meltdown. Ah, well, baby steps!
Thanks! It’s good to hear I’m not alone. (=
hooray for quiet birthdays. Enjoy!
Thank you!