Number of hours in a year:
Number of hours the average American spends sleeping each year (2009):
Number of hours the average employed American spends working each year (2009):
Number of hours the average American spends watching television each year (2008):
Number of hours the average American spends on housework, cooking, and lawn care each year (2009):
Number of hours the average American spends on the Internet each year (2009):
Number of hours the average American spends eating each year (2009):
Number of hours the average American spends taking care of other family members each year (2009):
Number of hours the average American spends exercising each year (2009):
Number of hours the average child spends in school each year (2002):
Number of hours the average child between 8 and 18 spends using electronics each year (2009):
Number of hours the average child between 8 and 18 spends texting each year (2008):
Fraction of awake hours the average preschool-aged child in a home-based daycare spends watching TV each day (2009):
This is part of a series: Snapshots of America:
- A Snapshot of Car-Usage in America
- A Snapshot of Education in America
- A Snapshot of Waste in America
- A Snapshot of Food in America
Great list, enjoyed it!
This list sure puts things in perspective for me. Sometimes it’s hard to see where those 24 hours go each day.
Great list. What struck me most was how many hours are in a year, it seems like so few! “Time is the final currency, spend it wisely” as someone put it in a book I once read.